He loves his big-kid seat at least!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Cereal, Baby!
Posted by Ky and Kel at 4:34 PM 21 comments
Monday, June 28, 2010
Note to self: Don't leave baby alone with open bag of popcorn.
Posted by Ky and Kel at 10:00 AM 3 comments
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy FIRST Father's Day, Ky!
We love you, Daddy! Sorry you have to be at work on your first Father's day. You work so hard for us!
Posted by Ky and Kel at 11:06 AM 4 comments
All About Camden
Camden and Mommy had a fun mothers day. It was a lot better than the last one (which I spent sobbing in the back of sacrament meeting). He is my miracle.
Mother's Day weekend my friend Lindsay and I ran (okay...walked) the Race for the Cure. If you haven't done this before, sign up next year. It was pretty incredible.
He looks so big in his Hurley shirt! I love my little man.
Camden and his cousin Grayson are best buddies. Look at them holding hands! They do that on their own whenever we lay them next to eachother.
He loves his little elephant. It crinkles and has plastic feet that he loves to chew on.
He hates the carseat ever since we took out the newborn insert. I think that it makes him sweaty because it is vinyl. Poor thing! But he is a good sport after a few minutes.
He smiles non-stop! It melts my heart every time. I'm in trouble because I don't think that this cute face will ever be told "no" in his life.
His new thing is rolling over. Last week Kyle sat him down and we turned around, the next thing you know he looked back and Cam was on his back instead of his belly! We put him on his belly a few more times and he would roll over immediately and have this proud but confused look on his face. It is so adorable. Love it every time!
Posted by Ky and Kel at 9:20 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
One Month

It is sad that my newborn makes me look so pale... I love his cute pink skin! It is starting to fade though.
Posted by Ky and Kel at 7:45 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Little Stud
Posted by Ky and Kel at 8:38 PM 3 comments